Chuck Mangione
Merchandise & Gifts


Chuck Mangione Pin

Gold Plated Chuck Mangione Silhouette oval commemorative pins have the raised signature Mangione and Horn silhouette on a burnished background with raised outline trim. Measuring 7/8" wide and 1 1/4" high, they are the perfect size for apparel, hats, scarves, and any fabric music carrying case or backpack.

"Chuck Mangione Pin"


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Chuck Mangione Pin

Only 2 left !

"Chuck Mangione Pin"
$10.00 each


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If you prefer to order by phone, call Toll Free - 1-800-816-4262

Secure On-Line Shopping Cart
Visa, MC, Discover, American Express.
If you prefer to order by phone, call Toll Free - 1-800-816-4262


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